Tuesday, July 8, 2008

RPG In The Demographic Key Of C/D/E Minor

Hewhoisnottobenamed is back with a hilarious hijink.

loud cloud: whats happening lately
loud cloud: i'm out of the loop
loud cloud: have you been to the wasteland?
hewhoisnottobenamed: which wasteland are you asking about?
hewhoisnottobenamed: ah
hewhoisnottobenamed: the wasteland
hewhoisnottobenamed: yes i always make it a point to check the wasteland
loud cloud: kwento
hewhoisnottobenamed: there is treasure in them refuse
hewhoisnottobenamed: hahahah
hewhoisnottobenamed: hahhaaha
loud cloud: lalalalala
hewhoisnottobenamed: there are the usuals
hewhoisnottobenamed: i found someone who does cybersex
hewhoisnottobenamed: the long search is over
hewhoisnottobenamed: and some who do sop
hewhoisnottobenamed: but these people are 'karakters'
hewhoisnottobenamed: some bore you with their moaning
loud cloud: LOL
hewhoisnottobenamed: some sound funny they're distracting
hewhoisnottobenamed: hahaha
loud cloud: karakters
loud cloud: do tell of these karakters
loud cloud: new breed?
hewhoisnottobenamed: i got a call early early this morning
hewhoisnottobenamed: from someone with whom i've apparently had sop with before
loud cloud: *listens*
hewhoisnottobenamed: so he starts out
hewhoisnottobenamed: and narrates
hewhoisnottobenamed: and tells me what to do
hewhoisnottobenamed: and then all of a sudden
hewhoisnottobenamed: he says
hewhoisnottobenamed: ikaw si piolo
hewhoisnottobenamed: at ako si sam
hewhoisnottobenamed: ngek
loud cloud: hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha
loud cloud: hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha
loud cloud: hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha
hewhoisnottobenamed: hahahahah
hewhoisnottobenamed: hahahha
hewhoisnottobenamed: how pedestrian
loud cloud: hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha
loud cloud: hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha
loud cloud: hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha
loud cloud: you gotta be kidding me!
loud cloud: hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha
hewhoisnottobenamed: unless my dream was that vivid hahaha
hewhoisnottobenamed: i gotta stop talking to these people who don't switch channels beyond studio 23


Anonymous said...

anobamgarepapips. kanyakanyayan. walang basagan ng trip.

i-never, said, that-i-loved-you


loudcloud said...

somemalebee! now im confused. is this the wiseass somemalebee i know or another somemalebee trying to twist my mind?

advance, identify yourself and be recognized.


Anonymous said...

the befuddled look suits your handsome face hahahaha

i'm gonna savor this moment =]

loudcloud said...

now i'm really screwed! hahaha. i dunno which one is the authentic somemalebee! hahaha.

errr handsome? what are you on? LOL