Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sir Stubborn

Misalignments run thick this past few days. I keep missing a call/calling my mother who is in the hospital looking after Pap. (I finally talked to her awhile ago and it seems Pap was recovering slowly and was looking for me and my brother and sister and I am quite anxious, ok, scared that he is gaining slow pace towards wellness.) Come on Pap, you're made of tougher stuff. You are my mentor in the school of tenaciousness. Stubbornness is our steely armor in the face of great odds and I am looking forward to your birthday this November. I need you to kick some sense on my resigned face because these days I'm almost five breaths away from abandoning all thoughts that a significant good turn will meet me work-wise. I love you. Not because I have no choice but love you. I love you because you are irreplaceable. And that scares me more than anything I can ever imagine.


Anonymous said...

Hope your father gets well asap.

Hang in there. ;p

Misterhubs said...

Wishing your Pap a speedy recovery.

Prayers, prayers, prayers.

E said...

I pray for your dads fast recovery :)

. said...

Looking forward to your dad's speedy recovery.

mikel said...

i pray for your father's speedy recovery.

loudcloud said...

thank you so much mac!, misterhubs, e, mugen and amicus. your prayers and good wishes are muchly appreciated.

ian said...

praying with you. if there's anything else i can do, please do let me know-

loudcloud said...

thanks ian!