Disarming Gestures
Stop rolling your eyeballs. I know I should cease slobbering like an idiot but for now, humor me. I'll see to it that I will--from hereon--curb the number of postings regarding my embarrassing fan-hood. Meantime you have no choice but endure my fevered/fanatic spree.
As you know Eric Kraft left a gracious comment on my previous post. In shocked disbelief I followed the link that was left on my comment box and discovered it was indeed his official website. Discarding my timidity I left him an email/comment/message in the site and posted a thank you entry later.
Lo and behold, when I opened my email inbox today this message flashed before my overjoyed eyes:
From: "Reader Comments"
To: aloudcloud@yahoo.com
Thank you again. Your comment and blog post made my day. (Actually
they made my day when it arrived on Tuesday, but I've been working on
two new books and didn't take the time to reply.)
All the best,
On Aug 26, 2008, at 4:51 PM, aloudcloud@yahoo.com wrote:
>It was submitted by aloudcloud@yahoo.com on: Tuesday, August, 26,
> 2008 at 16:51:24
> name: loudcloud
> comments: Your works are inspired, beguiling, awe-inspiring. Thank
> you for leaving a comment in my blog. I am still speechless! (Though
> I made a 'thank you' post.)
> A grateful admirer of your books,
> Loudcloud
All lingering skepticism melted and a wave of warmth gushed all over me. How very neat of Mr. Kraft to volley back a pleasant message! Other authors of his fame and stature would just dismiss my kind as yet another excitable fan. Worse I would be taken for as an obsessive freak latching on his fame in the hope that osmosis will rub off and lend my negligible/obscure self his luminous sheen. In a world teeming with overinflated and exploding literary egos his very laidback, down-to-earth gesture is a welcome lungful of fresh air.
His disarming graciousness motivated me to rip off the House Of Holland statement tees and create two for the The Beguiling Mr. Kraft:Thank you muchly Eric Kraft. I have bullied a friend in New York to go hoard books by you that I do not have and ship it to me pronto. Also, dear voyeurs of this blog: Abort the decline of Literacy! Snatch copies of Eric Kraft books for yourselves.
And meet your new friend Peter Leroy.
Watch out, Misterhubs. When mean streaks hit me one of these days I will make that overdue post that has something to do with these:
While you're grinding your teeth I will be fixing myself another cup of coffee.
Enjoy the weekend folks!
I think I know what you're up to.
I. Hate. You.
Hehe. :-)
I'm gonna steal those autographed Sedaris books one of these nights. I hope your unit's secure.
Misterhubs Okabe
hehehehehhehe.. :D this will be interesting :D
misterhubs - larceny from someone supposed to uphold the law? hahahaha.
e - indeed. but not quite yet. i'm still waiting for either boredom or meanness to hit me :P
My reading log is becoming el torre de babel as well. Thanks for reminding me to momentarily forget levy cristiano and take time to effing read.
mac! read! read! read! hahaha.
who is levy cristiano?
i'm ignorant. must google.
Have you seen levy already? Misterhubs = Leandro O. as me = Levy Christiano. It used to be Rafael Branciforti but I couldn;t say no to Levy.
mac! thanks to you i googled Levy Christiano and my retinas got scorched. he's scalding hot!
as misterhubs would put it:
God is unfair!
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